Tuesday, 19 June 2012

J.S. Kim on Physical Precious Metals' Importance

"I describe two important topics that the public-at-large still fails to grasp. One, I describe how the criminal banking cartel can counter-intuitively and periodically temporarily crush gold and silver prices in fraudulent paper markets even as global physical demand rises and physical supplies shrink and the importance of this sham to the banking cartel in seducing the retail investor to always make improper decisions about physical gold and physical silver (ie. not buying it). Two, I describe why retail investors should not fear this situation, how retail investors can use accumulation of physical gold and physical silver as an effective tool in fighting and defeating the criminal banking cartel and why purchasing physical gold and physical silver may be the only form of protection against the inevitable brutal collapse of our fraudulent monetary and banking system that is coming..."

Read whole articlehttp://www.theundergroundinvestor.com/2012/06/a-blueprint-to-kill-jp-morgans-alleged-massive-manipulative-position-in-the-silver-futures-market/

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